Friday, October 10, 2014

Just because it is so beautiful. Gewoon omdat het zo mooi is.

Van de week was Sandra jarig, en Youri besloot om een gedicht voor zijn moeder te schrijven, waar je gewoon kippevel van krijgt. Het is te mooi om alleen op facebook te zetten.

This week it was Sandra's birthday and Youri decided he would write a poem about his feelings for his Mum. It is so beautiful it gives you goose bumps. It is to good to just post it on Facebook, it deserves it's own blog post.


No cards, no wishes, nothing to bring,

“Don’t worry” she’ll always say, “I don’t want a thing”

I want to get her something, show her how much I care,

But I can’t think of anything, my thoughts are bare.

What do you get a woman who is kinder than most?

Who cleans up your mess, and cooks Sunday roast?

She is graceful at all times, she seems to float round the house.

A great mother, a friend, and a beautiful spouse.


You can’t give her a present of the same worth,

She gave you first gift, the gift of your birth.

We take it for granted, we can’t thank her enough,

Her birthday was your birthday, which can seem quite rough.

Without her you are nothing, just a thought, nothing more,

Above all its her kindness that I’ll always adore.


She got me through tough times, I’ve regretted over and over,

But these times made us stronger and only brought us even closer.

You know when to kick me, or when to give me a hug,

At times your love felt so strong, it felt like a drug.

You ask if I’ll still call you even after I’m gone,

But I won’t forget you, because it is you I can lean on.


I might still be growing, I might leave you behind,

Just know that your sons love has not yet reclined.

This might be the last birthday where I will still be at home,

I will always remember no matter how far I roam.

I will love you forever, no matter how big I get,

Just know I’ll still love you, please never forget.


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